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Normally, this newsletter features several events of interest around Omaha for you all to attend. But with pretty much every event being cancelled, weโve decided to highlight some good things happening within the community. We hope you stay safe and healthy while not losing your mind. Please contact me at if you have events, fundraisers, or simply fun ideas on how to pass the time youโd like to share.
Food: For those who may need help with groceries and meals right now, Dandelion Pop-Up is there for you, with help from chef Glen Wheeler and Jonโs Naturals. This Saturday, the regular pop-up space at 1300 Howard St. will serve as a food distribution site. They ask for you to please refrain from this service if you have enough right now but are concerned for the future. This first round of food giveaways is for those currently in desperate need of food. Additionally, if you know of any restaurants/bars or food providers in the area that can donate, or if you have more than enough to share, please visit their Facebook page here.
Essentials: Another major concern for a lot of people is toiletries, specifically toilet paper. We would like to let you know that the nonprofit Outlook Nebraska has some available for purchase. While they primarily serve federal government customers they are extending their services to help individuals, area businesses, and distributors meet increased demand for toilet paper. You can purchase toilet paper and paper towels online here and pick up your order at their facility during designated pickup times.
Service: In true #omahastrong fashion, the people in our community have stepped up their giving game. The Blackstone Business Association is providing an emergency relief fund for hourly and hospitality staff within the district, thanks in part to private donations. You can donate here.
Entertainment: Josh Hoyer of Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal will live stream a show for the first time ever, from the comfort of his own basement. This is free, but he will have a Venmo and PayPal account set up should you like to show your support for a local artist and tip him. Get the details here. You can also read this Omaha Magazine story on the man himself here
BONUS:rFor a quick pick-me-up that's sure to entertain, check out contributing writer Kamrin Baker's new puppy's Instagram account @miriotheshiba here. (Pictured in the above featured photo.)
Event times and details may change. Check with venue or event organizer to confirm.