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Aaron Bush, co-owner of B5 Brewery, is a man of many interests and pursuits. Or, as he put it, “If I have a passion for something, get out of my way.”
Though B5 Brewing Company only recently opened in the spring of 2024, they’ve already earned a reputation as a family-owned brewery that welcomes everyone in with a smile, an enthusiastic greeting, and an eclectic array of beers. B5 was named for the family who opened and run the brewery: the Bush family—and there are five of them, hence the name—including Aaron, Kate, and their three kids, Josh, Julia, and Jack.
The “kids” aren’t children anymore, as they’re all in their twenties now, but B5 Brewing Company is still a family affair nonetheless. With the occasional aunt or uncle jumping in to help set things up and run the place, B5 Brewery feels so familiar and friendly because it’s run by a family of friendly people who love what they do.
Aaron and Kate have been married for nearly 30 years and both have full-time jobs outside the brewery. Aaron drives to Lincoln daily for work but can typically be found most nights at the brewery, chatting with customers and watching soccer. Though Kate tries to compel Aaron to take some time off, “I don’t mind coming in,” he said. “My wife’s like, ‘Take Monday off!’ but it’s quiet. I can focus and get some stuff done.” When asked about the hours of B5 Brewing Company, Aaron rattled off the official operating hours but added that he’s been known to sneak in on a Monday night (the night they’re closed) or two.
Benson’s a thriving scene, with ample options for pedestrians looking for an entertaining time. Aaron isn’t intimidated by the competition of the other nearby establishments, but instead enjoys the Benson vibe as a whole. He and Kate lived in a nearby home decades ago and have watched as Benson has transformed and evolved. If anything, he said their main competition is probably the numerous CBD shops that have sprouted up around the metro area.
“It’s not just weed; it’s drinks and gummies. It’s accessibility–it’s so much easier,” Aaron said. But what the CBD shops lack is the community that is forming at B5 Brewery, one where people feel welcome and aren’t apprehensive to ask questions about how the beer is made, what’s in it, and what they should try next.
A comfortable space with communal tables, a children’s corner, and, as Aaron reports, the nicest women’s restrooms in all of Omaha, B5 Brewing Company is located in the heart of Benson. The location is perfect for passersby to peek in the window, feel compelled to check the space out, and be beckoned inside by Aaron.
Aaron said B5 thrives on foot traffic, adding that it isn’t necessarily a destination brewery. “I don’t have a parking lot. You come here and walk the street and try different places and foods, beverages, wine bars, cocktail bars…it’s just a great place to socialize.” He added that he enjoys how the historic Benson neighborhood seldom gets out of hand. “There’s a little riffraff there, but for the most part, people don’t walk into the brewery and threaten our business.”
B5 is located where Infusion Brewing Co. used to sit. In fact, it was Infusion’s owner, Bill Baburek, who suggested Aaron and Kate buy the space and start their own brewery. “I talked to my wife and kids over a nice dinner,” Aaron shared. “I said, ‘We have the opportunity to buy a brewery,’ and everyone said they were in. What I felt enlightened by was they were taking on my passion. It’s becoming our passion, it’s a little different when you turn your hobby into your career, but overall, I’d say it’s been good.”
“I’ve come to enjoy seeing our ‘regulars’ that come into the brewery,” Kate added. “It’s a blessing to say that we already have people who come in on a regular basis to sit and drink and talk to us, enjoying the beer that we put out.” That beer includes 17 beers on tap that are intentionally placed to offer ample choices to customers.
When a new customer visits and isn’t sure which beer to try, Aaron runs them through a standard gamut of questions. Do they like light or dark beer? Do they like hoppy beer or one that’s not so hoppy? From there, Aaron can give a personalized recommendation that leads a customer in the direction of their new favorite beer.
As for Aaron, when the time comes for him to relax with a beer, he prefers “heavy beers” that he can sip on, laughing as he referred to himself as a “malt monkey.” B5 Brewing’s Raw Dog lager is an excellent example of this type of ale, with hints of both chocolate and coffee flavors.
“Obviously, running a business is challenging,” Kate said, “and doing it with your family can make it doubly so at times. But we still love each other, still are learning from each other, and growing in ways we didn’t expect.”
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This article originally appeared in the October 2024 issue of Omaha Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.